General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

For privacy reasons, you may have the right to ask for certain personal information relating to you to be removed. 

Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), you have the right to be forgotten. If you reside in an EU territory, you may request the deletion of your Personal Data that we collect, store, or process. When you make your request, we will balance the privacy rights of the individual concerned with the interest of the general public in having access to the information, as well as the right of others to distribute the information. For instance, we may refuse to delete certain information regarding professional malpractice or financial scams. 

For details on how your personal information is used by Lotis Blue Consulting, please see our Privacy Policy. 

For additional information, please communicate with:  Lotis Blue Consulting Privacy Officer at 

Please submit forms to:  Via email:  Via post: Lotis Blue Consulting 200 W. Adams Street, Suite 2900 Chicago, Illinois 60606