
Inclusion Analytics
Collaborative and inclusive organizations are 30% more productive and 2x more likely to exceed financial targets

InclusivX uses passive data and applies organizational network analysis to help leaders build and sustain inclusive, connected and collaborative teams.

How InclusivX Works

Watch InclusivX’s Inclusion Analytics in Action

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Using continuous listening and network science, InclusivX generates actionable insights about inclusion, collaboration, and team dynamics

Continuous Listening Using Passive Data

Collaboration, inclusion and employee experience are dynamic behaviors that are nearly impossible to reliably and efficiently measure with a point in time employee survey.

InclusivX offers a continuous stream of data about the behavioral interactions between individuals and within teams.

Organizational Network Analysis + AI

InclusivX provides custom Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) metrics to understand individual, team and organizational dynamics. Applying AI techniques, we can also understand, predict and influence and connections and networks evolve.

User Testimonials
Our analytics help leaders to...
  • Identify where collaboration and inclusion is being challenged by hybrid work

  • Understand the business impact of new ways of working on employee and team “connectedness”

  • Identify marginally connected teams and individuals before they disengage and quit

  • Bring awareness and action to teams with dysfunctional norms that undermine cohesion

  • Highlight opportunities to reduce silos across the organization and improve collaboration

Watch explainer video here!

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We Use Data from Behavioral Interactions, Not Surveys

InclusivX securely and selectively combines data from daily interactions in the workplace with HR data to unlock deeper, less-biased and more actionable insights. These data include...

Representative Meta-Data Used by InclusivX:

Representative Systems Connected to InclusivX:

See How InclusivX Could Work for Your Organization

Test: Link to D&BS page

About Us

We are a growth advisory and business transformation consultancy that helps clients unlock their potential using a unique combination of data science and behavioral science. Our team of psychologists, award-winning data scientists, and consultants are passionate about building cohesive and inclusive workplaces and believe strongly in using evidence-based solutions to create real and lasting impact. Our inclusion analytics work with clients has resulted in InclusivX, powered by the Lotis Blue Workplace Behaviors Engine.